[Wine] CrossOver Linux Vs. Wine

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 20 11:20:36 CST 2011

On 1/19/11 4:28 PM, Franky Travian wrote:
> Sorry to bother, but I can’t understand a lot of your double standards ...
There is no 'double standard'.  Wine is a Free Open Source Software 
(FOSS) project that has thousands of developers over time.  
CrossoverLinux/CrossoverMac is a commercial product that follows the 
LGPL code license for Wine source but has proprietary code that belongs 
to them.  A good example is the X11 for Mac code that they developed and 
use that is not under the LGPL for either X11 or Wine.
> On the one hand develop a proprietary product "CrossOver Linux", but at the same time cooperating with the project "Wine" that's free.
This is done all the time for FOSS projects.  RedHat Linux is a 
commercial product. Community Linux OS (CentOS) is not.  The difference 
is that CentOS does not have the proprietary packages created by RedHat.
> Wine could be today better than CrossOver Linux, but who knows, perhaps you are sabotaging and delaying the Wine project.
No.  Wine continuously improves.  CrossOver freezes their code at a 
specific level and makes improvements to their code to run programs like 
Quicken 2010 and Microsoft Office 2010.
> I Don’t understand why you don’t develop software 100% free and paid, also you can charge for the tecnical support.
Take a look at the RedHat model.  The major difference is that RedHat 
provides extensive technical support where CentOS does and can not.  
Wine's major support people are users that have overcome problems and 
share with others.  That is the beauty of FOSS.  There is someone out 
there that wants their particular Windows program to run without error 
and they create the fixes to make it so, without breaking other programs.

> thanks for reading ;) 		 	   		
No problems.  We do aim to explain the difference between the two projects.

James McKenzie

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