[Wine] Re: Wine is used WORDsearch mac but doesn't work in Linux?

skypeace wineforum-user at winehq.org
Mon Jan 24 17:30:11 CST 2011

lwalper wrote:
> I've been using WS7 in XP and have now tried to install on Ubuntu 10.04 running Wine 1.1.42. The installation from the command line seemed to go without any problems, but when I tried to open the program I get a OLE error 80070057 and the program halts - don't even get an an intro screen. I've been tempted to upgrade to WS9. Maybe it will run in Wine??

Tried WordSearch 7,8, and 9 with Wine all no go.  Installed some showed entrance Splash but would not allow entrance.  This was on Mint 9 and 10, 9 was 32 bit and 10 was 64 bit.

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