[Wine] Re: UNZ FM TOWNS Emulator not reading discs

oiaohm wineforum-user at winehq.org
Sun Jul 10 18:30:25 CDT 2011

SpawnHappyJake PowerISO Virtual Drive under windows does answer some drive hardware requests.  Does not under Linux or OS X at all.

"I also want to point out that PowerISO _does_not_ emulate an optical drive and AcetoneISO _does_not_ emulate an optical drive. They just make the files of an ISO show up in a directory." 

Partly correct.  It is what gets people into trouble.  It worked under PowerISO for Windows but it don't work under PowerISO for Linux and OS X.  Yep the difference one does a bit of drive emulation the other two does not.

SpawnHappyJake.  Under Linux we have very little need for full drive emulators.    Also wine does not have the means to talk directly to an hard drive in the first place.    So network block device with qemu is more than suitable for hard drive emulation.  In fact in most cases is over kill.  Yes qemu on a ndb emulates all harddrive instructions.

I also remembered something.  http://illusioncity.net/Towns/  Yes the main project site died this is a backup site.  This is based off boch a cross platform emulator open source.

Really if people want to keep on using fm towns it would pay to get a group of developers/people and update the fm-boch project with the new boch code http://bochs.sourceforge.net.   It has the cdrom emulator, harddrive and floppy emulator built in. 

Basically why run a emulator in wine when with a little work you can run the emulator native.  So removing one level of problem.

Yes most of Linux hardware emulators are inside virtual machines or linked to virtual machines somewhere.  Since that is where we need hardware emulators.

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