[Wine] Clearwire mobile usb modem hack for ubuntu 11.04 64 bit ?

mdecker4g wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu May 12 03:13:36 CDT 2011

Hello friends 

          Wanted to say you guys rock!! Some of the smartest people in the world are right here, now if you just ran world political affairs lol. My current project is making my Clearwire mobile usb modem run in Linux. The device is this one here.
I am looking to do this for my Toshiba  laptop and would be in heaven to have mobile Internet in native Linux. I have about one month into hacking it.  The device will not allow access without successful install of the drivers and connection manager found in the windows 7  software.  I am no stranger to wine but this software has a massive amount of .dll files and .inf files scattered throughout different folders. Since I am forced to dual boot windows 7 I have taken a image from windows and dropped it into wine. Thus far i can get it to successfully install but as soon as the connection manager starts it crashes giving me a registry error message. Then I took the data from windows 7 sys 32 and sys files and copied em to wine. I went so far lol and got so deep was starting to look like virtual box lol                    [Laughing]     Any thoughts or suggestions guys on what I may have missed?  Thanks for reading 
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