[Wine] Re: Bash Script Shorcuts for Steam Games

Mateusz Stachowski wineforum-user at winehq.org
Sat Sep 24 07:53:24 CDT 2011

Hello Entanglement and SpawnHappyJake,

I also prefer to make my own launcher scripts than relying on winemenubuilder which is a very poor implementation. If you let it to run it will polute your menu with tons of unnecesary shortcuts (like Readme or Uninstall this or that, Windows Media Player or iTunes thingies) so for me it's better to disable it:

winemenubuilder.exe (in winecfg libraires set to disabled)

I'm using that template of bash script:

export WINEPREFIX="/media/Ubuntu/.wine-steam" 
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam/ 
wine-git Steam.exe 2>&1 | tee wine.log

That doesn't start the game but Steam and then I'm launching my app. If you want to see the fps counter you could do it like that:

export WINEPREFIX="/media/Ubuntu/.wine-TheWitcher2" 
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/The\ Witcher\ 2/ 
WINEDEBUG=fps wine Launcher.exe 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | grep --line-buffered "^trace:fps:" | osd_cat

When using Steam I also encountered error when it's reaching 26% of the update and hangs. Strangely when I have the fps counter commands in my script the update goes well.

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