wineconf vacation planning

David Gümbel david.guembel at
Sat Apr 23 09:55:34 CDT 2005

On Freitag 22 April 2005 15:14, David Gümbel wrote:

> Jeremy White schrieb am 22.04.2005 um 14:48 Uhr:
> Fine! While we're at it, I wonder if you might add ITOMIG (
> to the "Thanks To" section on the wineconf page? 
> That said, I remember Shachar's company being willing to donate as well,
> so I think they should be listed there, too?

Looking at that page more closely, I actually wonder why there's not a word 
of Codeweavers' engagement there(?) And when writing my last email, I 
totally forgot that there's at least one organization that should really be 
listed there: the "Fachschaft Elektrotechnik und 
Informationstechnik" (=local students' association) that is helping Mr 
Gemkow organize many things in the Universit itself 



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