ReactOS at Wineconf

Boaz Harrosh boaz at
Sun Mar 20 02:54:44 CST 2005

Steven Edwards wrote:

>I have put together our presentation for Wineconf and as most everyone knows what ReactOS is I
>have made our presentation more a list of ideas on how we can work together better along with
>short Q/A times for each. I expect we will need about 45 minuets given the number of pages in my
>PPT and the time for Q&A on each section. Please let me know if I need to trim to save some time.

Could you please Include in the: "list of ideas on how we can work 
together" the subject of ReactOS using wine headers, including msvcrt. 
As I understood from ros-dev. There are some areas that Wine is missing. 
What needs to be done to get wine up to speed? Also if you would LGPL 
your DDK headers and put it up on Wine. Every once in a while a need for 
a DDK header pops-up, like with the recent USB scanner interfaces.

Have a good time!

Free Life

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