How about holding Wineconf at Google's campus in Mountain View, California?

Dan Kegel dank06 at
Tue Feb 6 12:05:33 CST 2007

On 2/6/07, Scott Ritchie <scott at> wrote:
> Google was nice enough to host a large Ubuntu conference a couple of
> months ago, and given that they seem to love Wine just as much, I'm sure
> they'd be willing to lend us some space for Wineconf.
> More importantly, though, is that we'd get to shmooze with some Google
> folks, convince them to fund more Wine development (eg Summer of Code),
> and even present a new Wine/Google product in a pretty flashy fashion.

I'd love to do that.  I've heard, though, that a European location would
maximize the number of core Wine developers who can attend...
- Dan

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