We *really* need a development model change !

Andriy Palamarchuk apa3a at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 31 20:04:03 CST 2001

Alexandre Julliard wrote:

> Andriy Palamarchuk <apa3a at yahoo.com> writes:
>>It seems the problem is not so big. It will be sufficient to run the
>>binary, compiled under Windows not more often than once a month.
> But it won't compile. Once we have a simple environment in Wine where
> you run make test and everything happens automatically, people will
> use that. They won't bother to update all the makefiles etc. that you
> need in order to build on Windows. Then every time someone tries to
> build the tests under Windows they will have to fix a ton of problems
> before it works.


> We simply cannot expect people to constantly dual-boot to run their
> tests in both environments, so we need a way to make sure that when
> code works on one platform it also works on the other without extra
> work. We could certainly build a Windows infrastructure that does
> everything automatically for C tests, but this is a massive amount of
> work.

Before I was confident the tests would be developed under Windows and 
then run under Wine. You described reverse situation.
To create a test people will have to use Windows to check it works 
properly. Of course all the tests must succeed under Windows.

>>BTW, tests in Perl address only execution of applications, not compilation.
> Compilation is not an interesting case. 99% of it is tested by
> compiling Wine itself, and the remaining occasional problem is trivial
> to locate and fix. There's simply no need for regression testing of
> the compilation environment.

You are right for current conditions. The situation may be more 
interesting if Wine will be ported to non-Intel architecture.

Ok, this week I'll create a few tests in Perl and share my unbiased 
experience :-)


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