Small OpenGL fix

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at
Tue Jul 17 12:37:09 CDT 2001

> The dependencies between x11drv and user should certainly be fixed,
> but the real problem is that opengl32 and ddraw import x11drv at all.
> x11drv is an internal driver and should never be imported by any
> dll. Anybody feeling like fixing that?

Well, I started looking at how one could re-code dlls/opengl32/wgl.c to not
depend on X11DRV and I had some questions...

In the current code, there seems to be two different mechanisms for driver
calling :

 - one that is 'GDI' specific with the 'dc->funcs->pFUNC_NAME' sort of calls
 - the other for 'USER' with 'USER_Driver.pFUNC_NAME'
So which one of the two methods should I use the 'WGL' that is neither in
GDI nor in USER ?

Should I use the GDI method for all calls that take an HDC as a parameter
and the USER one for all the other ? Should I create a new mechanism
(OPENDL_Driver ???) knowing that it would be part of X11DRV ?

Thanks anyway for comitting my patch even if it's not the Right Thing (tm)


		 Lionel Ulmer -

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