C testing framework. ASCII/Unicode portable version

Dimitrie O. Paun dimi at cs.toronto.edu
Tue Jan 22 13:11:01 CST 2002

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Alexandre Julliard wrote:

> But we want people to think twice, and write a test adapted to the
> function they are testing; you don't test ASCII and Unicode the same
> way, except superficially.

With all due respect Alexandre, I can't understand your point. When does
the _semantics_ of the function differ based on the string encoding???
If it does, it most likely is a bug, simple as that. In fact, one can view
the Unicode case as a different encoding, and if every string pointer
passed in the Win32 API had an associated encoding with it, we would have
never needed the A/W pair of functions.

Point is, the encoding/decoding from/to A/W is orthogonal to the semantics
of the function in 99.99% of the cases. As such, we should not
fundamentaly mix them in the tests.


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