Profiling wine

Lars Segerlund lars.segerlund at
Tue Jul 29 06:36:42 CDT 2003

  How about giving oprofile a spin ?

  It is very good at pinpointing runtime hotspots. I just wanted to give 
a suggestion on how to get going with profiling right now without the 
need to wait for wineprofile functionality.

  / Lars Segerlund.

Mike Hearn wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 03:47, Jeremy White wrote:
>>But if you look through the archives (I think Mike mailed it in),
>>you should find it.
> Yup, found it, but looking through the code it seems Mikes initial
> evaluation (i missed bits and it doesn't work) is accurate. Is Charles
> around? If so it'd be good to get this patch into WineHQ, more and more
> bugs these days seem to be along the lines of "wine is too slow". I also
> have some questions, like what exactly WINE_NO_PROFILE does (it's
> defined to nothing....)
> thanks -mike

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