questions dlls/d3d8/shader.c

Eric Pouech pouech-eric at
Sun Dec 5 07:33:36 CST 2004

while toying with Intel compiler on Wine source, I came across a couple of 
interesting stuff.

To whom it may concern.

in dlls/d3d8/shader.c:
	vshader_m4x3 (and vsharer_m3x4) don't use correctly row & columns with respect 
to the matrice definition. I let the D3D folks decide whether the matrix 
definition, or the implementation is to blame
	IDirect3DVertexShaderImpl_ExecuteSW: you miss one in size of p_send (and likely p)

in windows/sys_params.c
	SystemParametersInfoW, for the case SPI_GETLOWPOWERACTIVE, this index is out of 
the bounds of spi_loaded

in dlls/shell32/shlview.c
	ShellView_OnNotify, case LVN_BEGINDRAG and LVN_BEGINRDRAG, the dwEffect value 
is not initialized before calling DoDragDrop !!!


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