FW: WM_NEXTDLGCTL changes the default button ID and does notrest ore default control identifier

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Thu Jun 17 12:05:16 CDT 2004

"Mike Hearn" <mike at navi.cx> wrote:

> Having said that, there are a few things you can do to make it more
> likely that patches will be applied quickly.
> 1) Use text mail rather than HTML mail. Alexandre applies patches by
> feeding the entire email to patch, so the less junk there is the more
> likely it is to just work.
> 2) You don't need to provide a long/short description, just a changelog
> entry is fine.

3) write a test case demonstrating that a patch is correct, and integrate it
with Wine regression testing suite. That significantly rises a possibility
that the patch will be accepted.


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