winpos.c & module.c - minor ms-windows compatibility

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Tue Mar 23 19:30:11 CST 2004

On March 23, 2004 2:46 am, Boaz Harrosh wrote:
> Probably in the version I was working on, when this fix was done, There
> was something Screwy with the exceptions and the kernel code did not
> catch them. But now it does and returns a proper error.

But if that's the case, why is the test marked as todo_wine:

+       todo_wine
+    {
+               void* pProc = GetProcAddress((void*) 0x117 ,"NotARealFunc" ) ;
+               int err = GetLastError() ;
+           ok(pProc==NULL, "GetProcAdress copes with BAD HModule error is %d\n",err);
+           printf( "GetProcAdress copes with BAD HModule error is %d\n",err);
+       }


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