Bugzilla Bug 2075: *printf incompatibilities

Aneurin Price wine at shadovald.dyndns.org
Mon Sep 20 14:02:42 CDT 2004

I've been looking at Warcraft III today, and had the problem of single
player campaigns not showing up. The reason behind this is explained at
http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2075, and sure enough adding the
special case described for the I64 argument type specification solves
the problem in W3. Now I'm wondering how the problem should really be
solved. Currently most (possibly all) of the *printf functions in msvcrt
call MSVCRT_vsnprintfW. Should the same be done for vsnprintf, or should
there be an independent MSVCRT_vsnprintfA? Either way I don't really
know how the implementation would work.
I was kind of hoping that this might be an okay place to start learning
about WINE development, so if this in fact hinges on something far more
complicated than I've been able to grasp, somebody please point this out
to me :).
Any pointers? Thanks,
Aneurin Price

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