A great way for non programmers to help with Wine - Audio

Ivan Gyurdiev ivg2 at cornell.edu
Wed May 17 14:26:39 CDT 2006

>    OSS run also had interruption problems.
>        It ran until: wave.c:657:Playing 1 second 440Hz tone at  8000x 8x2
>        ...after which no sound was produced, and I killed the test, 
> since it seemed to have frozen.
I re-ran the oss tests, and this time they seemed to run (not sure 
what's different).
I paid closer attention to where the sound changes, and made some notes 
about that - see the end of the log.
There's all kinds of problems - hiss, change in pitch (to several diff. 
results), at one point the test switched to my side speakers and turned 
rather loud. I'm still not sure what kind of info you are looking for 
(are those 0.5 sec interruptions normal?).

I am willing to re-run as many times as necessary, since I am very 
interested in getting hl2 to work, and sound is particularly broken.

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