License question

Joseph Garvin k04jg02 at
Mon May 22 16:02:25 CDT 2006

Yuriy wrote:
> Hi,
> I might be making a configuration module for wine for KDE System
> Settings based on winecfg as a SoC project for Kubuntu, but I just
> realized that wine is LGPL and my project would have to be GPL, so I
> need to know how to reconcile that.  Any input ASAP would be greatly
> appreciated.

I'm not a wine hacker, so I can't speak for them, but I don't see why
that should matter. If you write a standalone app for editing the text
files that wine produces (winecfg just modifies .reg files, which are
just text). If you plan to use code from winecfg, only then would it
become an issue. And I don't see why you'd really want/need to. The
brunt of your work should just be finding out what registry keys it sets
and then writing your own code to do the same thing -- something that
should be mostly trivial and could just as easily be figured out from
running winecfg a few times and running diff as it could be from looking
at winecfg's source. Infact, the former is probably easier.

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