msi: Remove tentative definition of static array with no size specifier

Andrew Talbot Andrew.Talbot at
Wed Apr 2 17:40:16 CDT 2008

James Hawkins wrote:

> It's ugly.  What warning are you trying to fix?

Although I imagine that gcc doesn't do anything particularly adverse as a
result of the existing code, if the pedantic switch were applied it would
cause a message of the following type to be generated.

    action.c:236: error: array size missing in ?StandardActions?

I believe it is also likely to show up under lint-like tools and I believe
it is actually an error, though compilers are not required to generate any
message, apparently. I couldn't say whether the resultant behaviour is
undefined, implemenation defined, or what. And I don't know whether gcc
places any surplus baggage in any segment as a result. The fix was just to
make the code correct and hence more portable.


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