Wine PulseAudio Driver

Arthur Taylor theycallhimart at
Thu Oct 2 12:34:02 CDT 2008

> Hi Art,
> > Currently I am looking for any feedback at all.
> I believe you've already gotten some:  split up your patches so that
> we can read them a little more easily.  If you send a large patch as a
> new contributor, it's very unlikely to get committed.

Humm, I can see splitting the changes to and,
but as for splitting the rest of it, should I split it per-file?

> Is there
> some other criterion I can use to evaluate it?  Doesn't steal audio,
> doesn't stutter as much, ???

I'm looking for instances where the patch falls on its face so I can fix
them (where falling on it's face is defined as)
- Crashing / stalling an app
- Crashing the PA server
- Continual stuttering or no audio.

I'm also looking for comments on the code. Is it sane, are the variable
names okay? Are there functions I should divide / join?

- Art

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