winetest: Annotate xmalloc() and xrealloc() with allocation size attribute.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Feb 18 02:16:59 CST 2009

"Steven Edwards" <winehacker at> wrote:

> I've agreed with the logic and the reasons behind it for the Wine
> libraries. My point was that we already avoid it more than enough in
> libraries, and maybe its a good thing after far as winelib goes to
> insure the apps in the programs directory always do include windows.h
> so that whenever someone does a true winelib port they don't have to
> make unnecessary changes just to please Wine.

Is there a specific problem you are trying to point out indirectly,
or that's just a speculation?

> Maybe someone should drop those Chromium guys a note as they seem to
> include windows.h in a lot of places....

That's a commeon practice among windows programmers, want to mail
all of them? There is a good prediction where they will tell you
to go.


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