TestBot changes

Paul Vriens paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 03:49:41 CDT 2010

Hi Ge,

On 04/19/2010 10:18 AM, Greg Geldorp wrote:
> Hi Paul,
>> From: Paul Vriens [mailto:paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com]
>>> On 04/19/2010 09:46 AM, Greg Geldorp wrote:
>>> - Skip tests if required DLL is not available
>> Winetest.exe has some extra testing for com and .net provided dll's.
>> Does the testbot take this into account as well?
> I started implementing the search for COM DLLs just like winetest.exe
> does, but abandoned that. The only affected DLL seems to be oledb32.dll,
> and oledb32_test.exe doesn't import oledb32.dll statically. So I believe
> a better solution would be to handle object creation failures in the
> test at runtime, instead of relying on picking apart the name of the
> test executable to see which DLL is being tested. Of the two test sets
> that oledb32_test implements, one already handles object creation
> failure correctly, the other doesn't.
> I did notice the check for .NET DLLs but it wasn't clear to me when this
> would be used?

This was for gdiplus on Win9x. The dll can't be found through normal 
LoadLibrary logic.

So, I would leave it as is. We can deal with it once we have more .NET 
dlls that can't be found through LoadLibrary.



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