shell32/tests: add tests for the parser of SHELLEXECUTEINFO.lpFile [try 4]

Ilya Basin basinilya at
Mon Mar 8 10:40:36 CST 2010

>> JL>  Also, those TEST_LPFILE_PARSED_OK macros are ugly, and hard to fix if
>> JL>  one place has a certain behavior, while another has different
>> JL>  behavior.  Just use ok directly wherever you're using the macro.
>> Not convinced. What you say is good for reading, but not editing.
>> If someone wants to change behavior , the other person
>> defined in a macro, but only in one place, he can jast as simple
>> copy-paste the definition and edit it.
>> In any case, it's a free country (c).

PV> I must agree with Juan here.

PV> Apart from that, the macro TEST_LPFILE_PARSED_ok_condition is strange in 
PV> itself as it checks for 'expected' and this is something you always set 
PV> yourself.

PV> I agree with you that it's a free country and stuff like this will 
PV> always be up for debate but in the end it's AJ that commits the patches 
PV> and he has expressed several times not being to fond about too much macros.

If it's well known, you had to tell me about macros at the beginning.
Sent try 6.


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