Fixing up the code style

Henri Verbeet hverbeet at
Thu Feb 13 08:13:29 CST 2014

On 13 February 2014 14:57, Jacek Caban <jacek at> wrote:
> often no clear answer if it's worth or not. However, my feeling is that
> d3d reviewers tend to be way more picky about that than others and maybe
> we could solve most of the problems on reviewers' side.
I'm not quite sure where you got that impression, in the general case
anyway. Personally, I'll point out style issues if the patch is going
to need changes anyway, but I'm not going to ask somebody to redo a
patch for style reasons alone, unless it's wildly inconsistent.

For the record, I think this thread is a waste of time, and would
otherwise have ignored it.

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