[PATCH] conhost: Reimplement font dialog handling

Hugh McMaster hugh.mcmaster at outlook.com
Thu Mar 3 05:37:05 CST 2022

Much of the existing font dialog code is overly complicated and difficult
to follow. There are also bugs in the code, which cannot be fixed with
minimal changes due to the complexity of the existing source. For example,
changing the font face via the listbox unexpectedly changes the font size.
It is also unnecessary to recreate the list of available font sizes
each font face selection if the font type remains unchanged.

Signed-off-by: Hugh McMaster <hugh.mcmaster at outlook.com>
 programs/conhost/window.c | 227 +++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/conhost/window.c b/programs/conhost/window.c
index abfc791c1ef..fb02ef9fd94 100644
--- a/programs/conhost/window.c
+++ b/programs/conhost/window.c
@@ -1206,13 +1206,6 @@ struct dialog_info
     struct console        *console;
     struct console_config  config;
     HWND                   dialog;      /* handle to active propsheet */
-    int                    font_count;  /* number of fonts */
-    struct dialog_font_info
-    {
-        unsigned int  height;
-        unsigned int  weight;
-        WCHAR         faceName[LF_FACESIZE];
-    } *font;  /* array of fonts */
 /* dialog proc for the option property sheet */
@@ -1352,12 +1345,10 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI font_preview_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPA
             struct dialog_info *di;
             HFONT font, old_font;
             PAINTSTRUCT ps;
-            int size_idx;
             di = (struct dialog_info *)GetWindowLongPtrW( GetParent( hwnd ), DWLP_USER );
             BeginPaint( hwnd, &ps );
-            size_idx = SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
             font = (HFONT)GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, 0 );
             if (font)
@@ -1373,7 +1364,7 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI font_preview_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPA
                 SetTextColor( ps.hdc, get_color( di, IDC_FNT_COLOR_FG ));
                 len = LoadStringW( GetModuleHandleW(NULL), IDS_FNT_PREVIEW, buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf) );
                 if (len) TextOutW( ps.hdc, 0, 0, buf, len );
-                TextOutW( ps.hdc, 0, di->font[size_idx].height, ascii, ARRAY_SIZE(ascii) - 1 );
+                TextOutW( ps.hdc, 0, di->config.cell_height, ascii, ARRAY_SIZE(ascii) - 1 );
                 SelectObject( ps.hdc, old_font );
             EndPaint( hwnd, &ps );
@@ -1461,146 +1452,42 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI color_preview_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LP
     return 0;
-/* enumerates all the font names with at least one valid font */
-static int WINAPI font_enum_size2( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
-                                   DWORD font_type, LPARAM lparam )
-    struct dialog_info *di = (struct dialog_info *)lparam;
-    TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_textmetric( tm, font_type ));
-    if (validate_font_metric( di->console, tm, font_type, 0 )) di->font_count++;
-    return 1;
-static int WINAPI font_enum( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
-                             DWORD font_type, LPARAM lparam )
-    struct dialog_info *di = (struct dialog_info *)lparam;
-    TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_logfont( lf, font_type ));
-    if (validate_font( di->console, lf, 0 ))
-    {
-        if (font_type & RASTER_FONTTYPE)
-        {
-            di->font_count = 0;
-            EnumFontFamiliesW( di->console->window->mem_dc, lf->lfFaceName,
-                               font_enum_size2, (LPARAM)di );
-        }
-        else
-            di->font_count = 1;
-        if (di->font_count)
-            SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_ADDSTRING,
-                                 0, (LPARAM)lf->lfFaceName );
-    }
-    return 1;
-static int WINAPI font_enum_size( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
-                                  DWORD font_type, LPARAM lparam )
-    struct dialog_info *di = (struct dialog_info *)lparam;
-    WCHAR buf[32];
-    TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_textmetric( tm, font_type ));
-    if (di->font_count == 0 && !(font_type & RASTER_FONTTYPE))
-    {
-        static const int sizes[] = {8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72};
-        int i;
-        di->font_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sizes);
-        di->font = malloc( di->font_count * sizeof(di->font[0]) );
-        for (i = 0; i < di->font_count; i++)
-        {
-            /* drop sizes where window size wouldn't fit on screen */
-            if (sizes[i] * di->config.win_height > GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ))
-            {
-                di->font_count = i;
-                break;
-            }
-            di->font[i].height = sizes[i];
-            di->font[i].weight = 400;
-            lstrcpyW( di->font[i].faceName, lf->lfFaceName );
-            wsprintfW( buf, L"%d", sizes[i] );
-            SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_INSERTSTRING, i, (LPARAM)buf );
-        }
-        /* don't need to enumerate other */
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (validate_font_metric( di->console, tm, font_type, 0 ))
-    {
-        int idx = 0;
-        /* we want the string to be sorted with a numeric order, not a lexicographic...
-         * do the job by hand... get where to insert the new string
-         */
-        while (idx < di->font_count && tm->tmHeight > di->font[idx].height)
-            idx++;
-        while (idx < di->font_count &&
-               tm->tmHeight == di->font[idx].height &&
-               tm->tmWeight > di->font[idx].weight)
-            idx++;
-        if (idx == di->font_count ||
-            tm->tmHeight != di->font[idx].height ||
-            tm->tmWeight < di->font[idx].weight)
-        {
-            /* here we need to add the new entry */
-            wsprintfW( buf, L"%d", tm->tmHeight );
-            SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_INSERTSTRING, idx, (LPARAM)buf );
-            /* now grow our arrays and insert the values at the same index than in the list box */
-            if (di->font_count)
-            {
-                di->font = realloc( di->font, sizeof(*di->font) * (di->font_count + 1) );
-                if (idx != di->font_count)
-                    memmove( &di->font[idx + 1], &di->font[idx],
-                             (di->font_count - idx) * sizeof(*di->font) );
-            }
-            else
-                di->font = malloc( sizeof(*di->font) );
-            di->font[idx].height = tm->tmHeight;
-            di->font[idx].weight = tm->tmWeight;
-            lstrcpyW( di->font[idx].faceName, lf->lfFaceName );
-            di->font_count++;
-        }
-    }
-    return 1;
 static BOOL select_font( struct dialog_info *di )
-    struct console_config config;
     int font_idx, size_idx;
+    WCHAR face_name[LF_FACESIZE], height_buf[4];
+    size_t len;
+    unsigned int font_height;
+    LOGFONTW lf;
     HFONT font, old_font;
     DWORD_PTR args[2];
     WCHAR buf[256];
     WCHAR fmt[128];
-    LOGFONTW lf;
     font_idx = SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
     size_idx = SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
-    if (font_idx < 0 || size_idx < 0 || size_idx >= di->font_count)
+    if (font_idx < 0 || size_idx < 0)
         return FALSE;
-    fill_logfont( &lf, di->font[size_idx].faceName,
-                  wcslen(di->font[size_idx].faceName) * sizeof(WCHAR),
-                  di->font[size_idx].height, di->font[size_idx].weight );
-    font = select_font_config( &config, di->console->output_cp, di->console->win, &lf );
+    len = SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_GETTEXT, font_idx, (LPARAM)&face_name );
+    SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_GETTEXT, size_idx, (LPARAM)&height_buf );
+    font_height = _wtoi( height_buf );
+    fill_logfont( &lf, face_name, len * sizeof(WCHAR), font_height, FW_NORMAL );
+    font = select_font_config( &di->config, di->console->output_cp, di->console->win, &lf );
     if (!font) return FALSE;
-    if (config.cell_height != di->font[size_idx].height)
-        TRACE( "mismatched heights (%u<>%u)\n", config.cell_height, di->font[size_idx].height );
+    if (di->config.cell_height != font_height)
+        TRACE( "mismatched heights (%u<>%u)\n", di->config.cell_height, font_height );
     old_font = (HFONT)SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_PREVIEW, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 );
     SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_PREVIEW, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)font, TRUE );
     if (old_font) DeleteObject( old_font );
     LoadStringW( GetModuleHandleW(NULL), IDS_FNT_DISPLAY, fmt, ARRAY_SIZE(fmt) );
-    args[0] = config.cell_width;
-    args[1] = config.cell_height;
+    args[0] = di->config.cell_width;
+    args[1] = di->config.cell_height;
                     fmt, 0, 0, buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), (__ms_va_list*)args );
@@ -1608,52 +1495,62 @@ static BOOL select_font( struct dialog_info *di )
     return TRUE;
-/* fills the size list box according to selected family in font LB */
 static BOOL fill_list_size( struct dialog_info *di, BOOL init )
-    WCHAR face_name[LF_FACESIZE];
-    int idx = 0;
-    idx = SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
-    if (idx < 0) return FALSE;
-    SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_GETTEXT, idx, (LPARAM)face_name );
-    SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
-    free( di->font );
-    di->font_count = 0;
-    di->font = NULL;
-    EnumFontFamiliesW( di->console->window->mem_dc, face_name, font_enum_size, (LPARAM)di );
     if (init)
-        int ref = -1;
-        for (idx = 0; idx < di->font_count; idx++)
+        static const int sizes[] = {8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72};
+        unsigned int i, idx = 4;
+        WCHAR buf[4];
+        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sizes); i++)
-            if (!lstrcmpW( di->font[idx].faceName, di->config.face_name ) &&
-                di->font[idx].height == di->config.cell_height &&
-                di->font[idx].weight == di->config.font_weight)
-            {
-                if (ref == -1) ref = idx;
-                else TRACE("Several matches found: ref=%d idx=%d\n", ref, idx);
-            }
+            wsprintfW( buf, L"%u", sizes[i] );
+            SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_INSERTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)buf );
+            if (di->config.cell_height == sizes[i]) idx = i;
-        idx = (ref == -1) ? 0 : ref;
+        SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_SETCURSEL, idx, 0 );
-    SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_SETCURSEL, idx, 0 );
     select_font( di );
     return TRUE;
+static int CALLBACK enum_list_font_proc( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
+                                         DWORD font_type, LPARAM lparam )
+    struct dialog_info *di = (struct dialog_info *)lparam;
+    if (font_type != TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) return 1;
+    TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_logfont( lf, font_type ));
+    if (validate_font( di->console, lf, 0 ))
+        SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)lf->lfFaceName );
+    return 1;
 static BOOL fill_list_font( struct dialog_info *di )
-    SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
-    EnumFontFamiliesW( di->console->window->mem_dc, NULL, font_enum, (LPARAM)di );
+    LOGFONTW lf;
+    memset( &lf, 0, sizeof(lf) );
+    lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+    lf.lfFaceName[0] = 0;
+    lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_MODERN;
+    EnumFontFamiliesExW( di->console->window->mem_dc, &lf, enum_list_font_proc, (LPARAM)di, 0 );
     if (SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_SELECTSTRING,
                              -1, (LPARAM)di->config.face_name ) == LB_ERR)
         SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_FONT, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
     fill_list_size( di, TRUE );
     return TRUE;
@@ -1668,7 +1565,7 @@ static INT_PTR WINAPI font_dialog_proc( HWND dialog, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LP
         di = (struct dialog_info *)((PROPSHEETPAGEA*)lparam)->lParam;
         di->dialog = dialog;
         SetWindowLongPtrW( dialog, DWLP_USER, (DWORD_PTR)di );
-        /* remove dialog from this control, font will be reset when listboxes are filled */
+        /* use default system font until user-selected font is applied */
         SendDlgItemMessageW( dialog, IDC_FNT_PREVIEW, WM_SETFONT, 0, 0 );
         fill_list_font( di );
         SetWindowLongW( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_FNT_COLOR_BK ), 0, (di->config.attr >> 4) & 0x0F );
@@ -1702,18 +1599,6 @@ static INT_PTR WINAPI font_dialog_proc( HWND dialog, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LP
                 di->dialog = dialog;
             case PSN_APPLY:
-                val = SendDlgItemMessageW( dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
-                if (val < di->font_count)
-                {
-                    LOGFONTW lf;
-                    fill_logfont( &lf, di->font[val].faceName,
-                                  wcslen(di->font[val].faceName) * sizeof(WCHAR),
-                                  di->font[val].height, di->font[val].weight );
-                    DeleteObject( select_font_config( &di->config, di->console->output_cp,
-                                                      di->console->win, &lf ));
-                }
                 val = (GetWindowLongW( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_FNT_COLOR_BK ), 0 ) << 4) |
                     GetWindowLongW( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_FNT_COLOR_FG ), 0 );
                 di->config.attr = val;
@@ -1978,8 +1863,6 @@ static BOOL config_dialog( struct console *console, BOOL current )
     else current_config( console, &di.config );
     prev_config = di.config;
-    di.font_count = 0;
-    di.font = NULL;
     wndclass.style         = 0;
     wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = font_preview_proc;

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