Always create a suspended thread in CreateThread and resume it if CREATE_SUSPENDED flag is not set as Windows does. Take 2

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Dec 1 06:59:00 CST 2004


resending the patch, this time close a thread handle in the failure case,
thanks to Rob for spotting it.

there is at least one application which crashes in CreateThread due
to a race between a creating thread and a newly created one. The problem
is that the tid address passed to CreateThread resides in the memory
block allocated with VirtualAlloc which gets freed once the newly created
thread starts running, and when CreateThread code attempts to store thread
id it crashes.

It appears that Windows always creates suspended threads in CreateThread
and a created thread gets resumed later. Here is a snippet of the log
running a simple test program under NT strace (the test app just creates
a thread):

hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_proc, NULL, 0, &tid);

117 796 792 NtCreateThread (0x1f03ff, 0x0, -1, 1243704, 1244568, 1, ... 60, {796, 800}, ) == 0x0
118 796 792 NtRequestWaitReplyPort (40, {28, 52, new_msg, 0, 2013529912, 2147348480, 902, 2086471576} "\0\0\0\0\1\0\1\0x\1\23\0\320<\23\0<\0\0\0\34\3\0\0 \3\0\0" ... {28, 52, reply, 0, 796, 792, 2138, 0} "\0\0\0\0\1\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\320<\23\0<\0\0\0\34\3\0\0 \3\0\0" ) == 0x0
119 796 792 NtResumeThread (60, ... 1, ) == 0x0
120 796 792 NtClose (60, ... ) == 0x0

    Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at>
    Always create a suspended thread in CreateThread and resume it
    if CREATE_SUSPENDED flag is not set as Windows does.

--- cvs/hq/wine/dlls/kernel/thread.c	2004-09-22 16:48:59.000000000 +0900
+++ wine/dlls/kernel/thread.c	2004-12-01 20:50:03.000000000 +0800
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateRemoteThread( HANDLE
     if (flags & STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION) stack_reserve = stack;
     else stack_commit = stack;
-    status = RtlCreateUserThread( hProcess, NULL, (flags & CREATE_SUSPENDED) != 0,
+    status = RtlCreateUserThread( hProcess, NULL, TRUE,
                                   NULL, stack_reserve, stack_commit,
                                   THREAD_Start, info, &handle, &client_id );
     if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
@@ -172,6 +172,20 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateRemoteThread( HANDLE
         if (id) *id = (DWORD)client_id.UniqueThread;
         if (sa && (sa->nLength >= sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle)
             SetHandleInformation( handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT );
+        if (!(flags & CREATE_SUSPENDED))
+        {
+            DWORD ret;
+            status = NtResumeThread( handle, &ret );
+            if (status)
+            {
+                NtTerminateThread( handle, -1 );
+                NtClose( handle );
+                RtlFreeHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, info );
+                SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+                handle = 0;
+            }
+        }

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