[PATCH] Fix glReadPixels call from read_from_framebuffer

Nick Burns adger44 at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 20 23:40:49 CST 2008

This is my last gfx fix for SHOGOThe readpixels call was putting data into the wrong place in the pbo    (fixed with pixelstore)And the y-flip code was flipping the wrong data as well    (set the bottom row to the bottom row and not the height'th row)
The code used to handle fullscreen 2d blits (or blts without any colorkey masking)However sub-blits had issues (in the pbo path)   1 - readpixels read into the wrong part of the pbo   2 - the y-flip code would move around the uninited data (from the readpixels) and it read from the wrong place   3 - After 1 and 2 the pbo is corrupt and the blt code later had no chance...
This patch fixes 1 and 2 -- letting the blt code shineThis can be seen in the SHOGO menu (now not corrupt!)
Changelog     Fix glReadPixels call from read_from_framebuffer    Fix the call to readpixels so that 2d blts going thru the pbo path end up in the right place and get flipped correctly

 - Nick
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Name: 0005-Fix-glReadPixels-call-from-read_from_framebuffer.patch
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