[Wine] Re: Might have a COM+ issue

UmbraMalison wineforum-user at winehq.org
Wed Feb 25 10:10:01 CST 2009

dimesio wrote:
> "Builtin" are Wine's builtin libraries; you told Wine NOT to use the files you copied. If you want Wine to use the dlls you copied, set them to "native, builtin" or "native." The former setting will try to load the native files first, then use builtin if that fails; the latter will force Wine to use native only.

Yes I realise this. I understood that it was best practice to use built-in. 

the output on the terminal when I use native is much worse:
"fixme:win:User32InitializeImmEntryTable (0x19650412): stub"
"fixme:win:User32InitializeImmEntryTable (0x19650412): stub"
"fixme:win:User32InitializeImmEntryTable (0x19650412): stub"
"fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {00000000-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} of class {main COM CLSID for appA}, hres is 0x80004005" 

thats why I made of point of setting it to built-in. sorry for not explaining myself well before.
It seems that the native files have too many pointers to things that are unknown to wine, hence why it appears to work better as built-in



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