[Wine] Absolute noob needs help getting and useing the right bits

tparker tparker at etherstorm.net
Tue Sep 1 10:43:04 CDT 2009

On 09/01/2009 12:54 AM, Skellibert wrote:
> We are trialing UBUNTU

I do not have any experience installing wine without internet, hopefully 
someone can help with that. My two cents in general:

The best bet for a person new to this is to wait until you have internet 
for that computer. Once that happens you can install wine using drop 
down boxes and mouse clicks instead of trying to copy a bunch of missing 
files over to compile it.

When the machine has internet go to the add/remove software option in 
one of the drop down menus from the bar across the top of your desktop 
(sorry, I don't use Ubuntu so I do not know the exact names of the menus 
it uses). Type WINE in the search box and that program will find it for 
you in the repositories (repositories are approved storage servers for 
files that are already complied to work in your version of linux. The 
add/remove programs option will use the internet connection to find what 
you need in the repositories and grab it for you).

When you tell it to install wine it will also take a minute and check to 
be sure your computer has all the extra files wine needs to run properly 
(dependencies). If your computer is missing anything it will give you 
list of what is needed and you can tell it to get those for you as well. 
This way you get the right files for your system and you don't have to 
figure out how to compile them and track down dependencies yourself.

One warning - the add/remove programs method will only grab whatever 
version of wine is in it's repositories. This may not be the very newest 
version of wine available - to get that you would have to download and 
compile it yourself. Many repositories are 3-5 versions of wine behind 
the 'very newest', but that is not always a bad thing for new people. 
Any problems with the older version have usually been found by then and 
the webpage for your program may already have hints to work around the 
bugs until a newer wine version is available.

You will want to look up whatever windows programs he wants to run in 
wine at this website:  http://appdb.winehq.org/

The site can be confusing at first, but search for each program and you 
should get to a page with information on how well the program works 
using wine and ideas of things to do to make it work better, if needed.

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