Wine Announcement
The Wine development release 5.1 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Support for using LLVM-MinGW as PE cross-compiler.
- Better reporting of error location in JScript and VBScript.
- Support for relocatable installation of the Winelib tools.
- Ellipse drawing in Direct2D.
- OLE monikers improvements.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on
You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 5.1 (total 32):
21702 Continuum 0.40 crashes at start up screen
22006 Multiple applications require support for thread and process security descriptors (Continuum 0.40, Acrobat Reader DC 2015)
23261 Industry Giant 2 demo crashes with DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMODE message
28059 3DAnalyzer: Hangs when selecting certain exe's
33159 Loading a .dll without relocations fails under Mac OS X (needs preloader)
35351 Allow configuring modifier key mapping
36813 wineconsole: no text without winetricks corefonts
39229 Dragon Age Inquisition crashes
40013 MSYS2 based "Git for Windows" 2.7 fails to install due to 'rebase.exe' tool crashing or hanging in post-install steps
40482 Support set title in start, needed by latest MSYS2
42249 Speccy v1.30 installer crashes (registry SID profile data in 'ProfileList' must contain 'ProfileImagePath' key value)
42554 The Magic School Bus Explores The Solar System crashes while loading
43499 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Graphical glitches
43505 Star Wars: Starfighter - screen out of monitor borders
43514 wrong sunshine reflection
44618 MindManager Pro v7.0: MSI installer complains "CustomAction unhandled action type 7"
44917 Unable to run DTS MAster Audio Suite Encoder
45049 Multiple programs need d2d1 CreateRoundedRectangleGeometry (playchessV7, Paint.Net 4.*)
45148 Overwatch: left control, left shift keybindings don't work
45501 Darksiders - Slow player movement with builtin d3dx9_42
45742 Sniper Elite V2 has no sound
45847 Warframe installer update/download gets stuck due to corruption on large files in 'Bulk Download' mode (tries over and over again)
45879 Aruba Key crashes on unimplemented function setupapi.dll.CM_Request_Device_EjectA when clicking 'remove' button
46005 Multiple games and applications fail due to missing interface proxy information in registry (oleautomation/dual interfaces referenced in coclass section inside of library block)
47668 Logos 8 (.NET/WPF 4.7.2 application) fails to download resources (needs ReOpenFile implementation)
48018 QuickTime 7.0.x installer fails, 'rundll32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\QTJava.dll,QTPostInstallProc"' crashes due to invalid cdecl dll entry
48064 qmgr:job started failing on XP on Sep 09
48150 ddraw:ddraw{2,4} show new test failures
48313 Sysinternals CpuStres crashes on unimplemented function kernel32.dll.GetThreadIdealProcessorEx
48338 DIB images with bpp <= 8 get wrong palette when converted to GpBitmap
48371 Home Designer Suite reports "Error #272000009 A serious error occurred (SEH)."
48491 _searchenv & co do not understand quoted directories
Changes since 5.0:
Alexandre Julliard (33):
configure: Allow out-of-tree builds from an unclean source tree.
rundll32: Add wrapper to call entry point on i386.
winedump: Add dumping of case mapping NLS files.
winedump: Add dumping of codepage NLS files.
wmc: Get rid of some unused codepage information.
unicode: Use existing helpers to build the l_intl.nls file.
unicode: Remove case mappings that don't round-trip.
unicode: Use existing helpers to build the sortkeys table.
unicode: Specify a bit width instead of a format when dumping arrays.
msvcrt: Fetch locale codepage directly as an integer.
adsldp/tests: Get rid of strchrW().
crypt32/tests: Get rid of strncmpW().
devenum/tests: Get rid of strchrW() and strncmpW().
mapi32/tests: Get rid of strcmpW().
mlang/tests: Get rid of strstrW().
mscoree/tests: Get rid of strrchrW().
mshtml/tests: Get rid of strstrW().
oleaut32/tests: Get rid of strcmpW().
oledlg/test: Get rid of strstrW().
shell32/tests: Get rid of strcmpW().
shlwapi/tests: Get rid of strcmpW().
user32/tests: Get rid of strncmpW() and strcpyW().
sfnt2fon: Directly store the codepage tables for the few encodings we need.
unicode: Use a standard two-level mapping table for the digit map.
unicode: Use a standard two-level mapping table for the mirror map.
unicode: Use a standard two-level mapping table for the sortkeys map.
unicode: Try harder to reuse subsequences when compressing data arrays.
libwine: Make some functions obsolete.
libwine: Make the debug functions obsolete.
libwine: Make some loader functions obsolete.
wrc: Also search the include dir relative to the binary path.
widl: Also search the include dir relative to the binary path.
winegcc: Also search the include and lib dirs relative to the binary path.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (9):
dmime: IDirectMusicPerformance8_FreePMsg Release the unknown pointer.
include: Add directmanipulation.idl.
include: Add _Inout_updates_bytes_opt_ define.
include: Add remaining DBPROPSET_* GUID's.
include: Add enum DBPROPFLAGSENUM.
msado15: Implement _Recordset get_CursorLocation and put_CursorLocation.
msado15: Implement _Connection get/put ConnectionString.
d3dx9/tests: Add some tests for ID3DXFont_DrawText().
include: Add xact3wb.h.
Andrew Eikum (6):
winebus.sys: Don't return too early if SDL initialization succeeds.
dinput: Fix V/A/FSlider dwOfs values in c_dfDIJoystick2.
dinput: Add missing ASPECT flags for c_dfDIJoystick2.
dinput: Add missing ASPECT flags to c_dfDIJoystick.
xinput: Implement XInputGetKeystroke.
dxgi/tests: Test the fullscreen state after the swapchain window is destroyed.
Biswapriyo Nath (2):
include: Update dxva2api.idl.
include: Update thumbcache.idl file.
Brendan Shanks (2):
user32: Pack messages sent with SendNotifyMessage().
user32: Support SetWindowPos() SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS flag.
Charles Davis (5):
msvcrt: Implement _ispunct_l().
msvcrt: Correct return value of ___mb_cur_max_l_func().
setupapi: Implement CM_Get_DevNode_Property[_Ex]W().
msvcrt: Fix the btowc() function.
gdi32: Add D3DKMTSetQueuedLimit() stub.
Daniel Lehman (3):
msxml3/tests: Fix copy & paste in traces.
vcruntime140_1: Add stub dll.
ucrtbase: Use given context in wcstok.
Dmitry Timoshkov (6):
gdiplus: If the font unit is not pixels scaling should not be applied.
gdiplus: GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP should use palette from the GDI bitmap.
gdiplus: Reimplement GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib by using GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP.
gdiplus/tests: Add more tests for GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP and palette images.
gdiplus/tests: Add tests for FontFamily object management.
gdiplus: Create FontFamily objects only once for the FontCollection.
Evan Tang (1):
kernel32/lzexpand: Fix uninitialized read in read_header.
Fabian Maurer (1):
find/tests: Add tests for file based search.
François Gouget (1):
advapi32/tests: Avoid failure when GetServiceKeyName() gets a smart quote.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (1):
comctl32/datetime: Simplify last digits calculation.
Gerald Pfeifer (2):
winedump: Add a default case to numeric_leaf().
msi: Properly declare variables in msi/tests/utils.h as extern.
Giovanni Mascellani (9):
d2d1: Fix miter drawing for degenerated rectangles.
d2d1: Implement rounded rectangle drawing.
d2d1: Implement ellipse drawing.
d2d1/tests: Add tests for rounded rectangle drawing.
d2d1/tests: Add geometry filling tests.
d2d1/tests: Check that hollow figures are not filled.
d2d1: Do not fill hollow figures.
d2d1/tests: Test that hollow figures do not impact geometry bounds.
d2d1: Ensure that hollow figures do not impact geometry bounds.
Hans Leidekker (1):
msi: Add support for custom action type 7.
Henri Verbeet (9):
wined3d: Create Vulkan buffers.
wined3d: Store a gl_info pointer in struct shader_glsl_ctx_priv.
wined3d: Store a gl_info pointer in struct shader_arb_ctx_priv.
wined3d: Get gl_info from the context in wined3d_device_create_primary_opengl_context_cs().
wined3d: Implement mapping Vulkan buffers.
d3d9/tests: Introduce adapter_is_amd().
wined3d: Get rid of the "DirectDrawRenderer" setting.
d2d1: Pass previous and next vectors to d2d_geometry_outline_add_join().
d2d1: Rename d2d_ellipse_geometry_GetRoundedRect() to d2d_ellipse_geometry_GetEllipse().
Jacek Caban (56):
vbscript/tests: Add error position tests.
vbscript: Alloc vbscode_t before parsing the script.
vbscript: Store source location in statement_t.
vbscript: Store source location in instr_t.
vbscript: Store source cookie and starting line in vbscode_t.
vbscript: Use parser_error to set unhandled parser error.
vbscript: Simplify option explicit parsing.
vbscript: Pass parser error location to compiler.
vbscript: Support reporting error location to script host.
jscript: Use parser location to calculate function body string.
jscript: Always set parser error code on error.
jscript: Store source location in statement_t.
include: Add wWinMain declaration.
makedep: Link importlib object files into module only when it's explicitly imported.
winegcc: Add support for -Wl,--entry argument.
msvcrt: Provide EXE entry points in importlib.
winegcc: Use Wine crt when linking builtin EXEs.
ddraw/tests: Don't use log2f to avoid mingwex dependency.
jscript: Introduce jsstr_to_bstr helper.
jscript: Store source position in instr_t.
jscript/tests: Add more error reporting tests.
jscript/tests: Add more script enter notification tests.
msvcrt: Provide exp2f in importlib.
winegcc: Use Wine crt when linking to msvcrt.
vbscript: Overflow hex literals in 16-bit range.
vbscript: Fix VT_UNKNOWN handling in set statements.
vbscript: Fix VT_UNKNOWN handling in is expressions.
scrrun: Add MoveFile implementation.
mshtml/tests: Get rid of strstr_wa.
msvcrt/tests: Avoid using msvcrt.h header.
include: Use dllimport attribute for string.h functions.
jscript: Use internal jsdisp calls only within the same script context.
jscript: Store source context and starting line in bytecode_t.
jscript: Support DISP_E_EXCEPTION InvokeEx result.
jscript: Use separated jsexcept_t instance for each external call.
jscript: Store separated flag indicating if current exception value is valid.
jscript: Store error code in jsexcept_t.
jscript: Use enter_script and leave_script to call script site notifications.
jscript: Add IActiveScriptError implementation.
vbscript: Allow assignment left expression to be member expression.
vbscript: Allow any call expression to be used in set statement.
rpcrt4: Use MustFree for all non-base types in get_param_pointer_info.
mshtml/tests: Get rid of a2bstr from style.c.
mshtml/tests: Get rid of wstr_contains.
mshtml/tests: Get rid of strcmp_wa from style.c.
jscript: Suport generic error object for exception with no associated JavaScript exception value.
jscript: Factor out format_error_message implementation.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_generic_error.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_range_error.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_reference_error.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_regexp_error.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_uri_error.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_syntax_error.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_type_error in date.c.
jscript: Directly return error code instead of using throw_type_error where possible.
mshtml/tests: Get rid of strcmp_wa from dom.c.
Jeff Smith (5):
gdiplus/tests: Add another GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint test.
gdiplus: Calculate centroid of path as default center of path gradient.
d3drm/tests: Add some viewport projection type tests.
d3drm: Return D3DRMERR_BADOBJECT from d3drm_viewport2_SetProjection() for uninitialised viewports.
d3drm: Return ~0u from d3drm_viewport2_GetProjection() for uninitialised viewports.
Kevin Puetz (1):
rpcrt4: Fix ITypeInfo leak in get_iface_info.
Liam Middlebrook (2):
winevulkan: Support functions with basic_c return types.
winevulkan: Update to VK spec version 1.1.130.
Louis Lenders (1):
ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for RtlIsNtDdiVersionAvailable.
Michael Cronenworth (12):
crypt32: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
dsound: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
mshtml: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
secur32: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
winebus: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
wbemprox: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
xinput: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
twain_32: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
msi: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
webservices: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
gphoto2.ds: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
sane.ds: Global variable compatibility update for gcc 10.
Michael Stefaniuc (14):
dmloader: Use wide-char string literals.
dmusic: Use wide-char string literals.
dmstyle: Partially implement Audition track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmstyle: Partially implement Chord track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmstyle: Partially implement Command track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmstyle: Partially implement Motif track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmstyle: Partially implement Mute track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmstyle: Partially implement Style track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmstyle/tests: Add GetParam/SetParam tests for unsupported types.
dmsynth: Avoid the LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK type.
dmsynth: Avoid the LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 type.
dmcompos: Partially implement Chord Map track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmscript: Implement the Script track GetParam/SetParam methods.
dmime: Get rid of the DMUSIC_PRIVATE_PCHANNEL typedef.
Nikolay Sivov (63):
ole32: Fix bind speed used in BindToObject() of item moniker.
ole32: Fix bind speed used in ParseDisplayName() for item moniker.
mshtml: Implement IHTMLScriptElement::get_htmlFor().
mshtml: Implement IHTMLWindow7::get_pageXOffset/pageYOffset.
ole32: Handle GetObject() failure in ParseDisplayName() for item moniker.
ole32: Pass correct display name in ParseDisplayName() for item moniker.
ole32: Lock item container on ParseDisplayName().
ole32: Lock item container on BindToObject().
ole32: Fix IsEqual() for item moniker.
dwrite: Add a helper specifically for TryGetFontTable().
dwrite: Evaluate IsSymbolFont() flag at font level.
dwrite: Evaluate IsMonospacedFont() flag at font level.
dwrite: Evaluate IsColorFont() flag at font level.
dwrite: Update for newer font string names.
dwrite: Implement GetFaceNames() for fontfaces.
dwrite: Implement GetFamilyNames() for fontfaces.
dwrite: Access font data directly at font level for GetInformationalStrings().
dwrite: Implement GetInformationalStrings() for fontfaces.
ole32: Add support for non-default counter for anti moniker.
ole32: Fix IsEqual() for antimoniker.
ole32: Fix comparison data for antimoniker.
ole32: Fix CommonPrefixWith() for antimoniker, when other is also antimoniker.
mf: Simplify clock notification handling.
dwrite: Add support for dlng/slng metadata.
dwrite: Implement IDWriteFont::Equals().
dwrite/tests: Add a test for creating system collection with explicit family model.
dwrite: Do not create fontface instance for GetUnicodeRanges().
ole32: Add support for writing VT_BSTR properties.
ole32: Check buffer bounds when reading storage properties.
ole32: Add partial support for reading VT_VECTOR properties.
ole32: Validate offsets when reading storage dictionary.
ole32: Fix string buffer size.
wineboot: Do not use SHGetMalloc() internally.
shell32: Do not use SHGetMalloc() internally.
ole32: Fix equality check in CommonPrefixWith() for pointer moniker.
ole32/tests: Test default item moniker instance.
ole32: Remove some internal helpers for item moniker.
ole32: Fix IsRunning() for item moniker.
ole32: Lock item container on BindToStorage().
ucrtbase: Add _query_new_handler() and _query_new_mode().
user32: Improve window state handling in SetScrollInfo().
mfplat: Add MFCreateTransformActivate().
mfplat: Add support for local MFT registration.
ole32: Implement custom marshalling for pointer monikers.
ole32/tests: Add some ComposeWith() tests with antimoniker at the right side.
ole32: Add a helper to create antimoniker of specific order.
ole32: Fix (pointer moniker + antimoniker) composing.
ole32: Fix (item moniker + antimoniker) composing.
ole32: Fix (file moniker + antimoniker) composing.
ole32: Get rid of redundant pointer check.
ole32: Enumeration is not supported for pointer monikers.
ole32: Get rid of pointer moniker initialization helper.
ole32: Fix a leak when creating pointer moniker through activation.
ole32: Fix a leak when creating antimoniker through activation.
wincodecs: Add 32RGBA -> 24BGR conversion path.
include: Fix QITAB definition.
msi: Change unknown platform enum entry name.
ole32: Respond to CLSID in antimoniker interface query.
ole32: Respond to CLSID in pointer moniker interface query.
ole32: Respond to CLSID in class moniker interface query.
ole32: Respond to CLSID in file moniker interface query.
ole32: Respond to CLSID in item moniker interface query.
Paul Gofman (4):
d3d9/tests: Add test for alpha to coverage.
include: Add Vista+ PEB_LDR_DATA structure fields.
d3d9/tests: Test more formats in srgbtexture_test().
wined3d: Support sRGB reads for WINED3DFMT_B5G6R5_UNORM.
Piotr Caban (8):
msvcrt: Add support for quoted paths in _searchenv.
msvcrt: Add support for quoted paths in _searchenv_s.
msvcrt: Don't duplicate _searchenv_s code in _searchenv.
msvcrt: Add support for quoted paths in _wsearchenv_s.
msvcrt: Don't duplicate _wsearchenv_s code in _wsearchenv.
msvcrt: Respect allocation mode in malloc.
msvcrt: Use _callnewh in operator new implementation.
msvcrt: Reimplement _set_new_mode function.
Qian Hong (1):
advapi32: Fix the name and use of DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS.
Roman Pišl (1):
kernelbase: Implement GetThreadIdealProcessorEx stub.
Rémi Bernon (2):
ntdll: Don't change RtlWaitOnAddress size after user invoke_apc.
Stefan Dösinger (11):
ddraw/tests: Disable a test that causes heap corruption on some Nvidia.
ddraw/tests: Mark a Geforce 9600 misbehavior broken().
ddraw/tests: Don't leak overlay if DWM cannot be disabled.
ddraw/tests: The Windows XP r200 driver does not report DDSCAPS_OWNDC.
ddraw/tests: WinXP drivers don't necessarily set dib.dsBm.bmBits.
ddraw/tests: Don't COLORFILL a surface with a clipper.
ddraw/tests: Don't rely on the implicit vertex color in test_viewport.
ddraw/tests: Dx9 and earlier cards have problems with HW blits to R5G5B5A1.
ddraw/tests: Changing only viewport Z range is broken on r500 on Win10.
ddraw/tests: R200 rejects some bad draw calls.
ddraw/tests: Init the lock desc before using it.
Sven Baars (3):
d3dx9/tests: Use Tahoma in all font tests.
d3dx9/tests: Get rid of redundant handling for D3DXCreateFontA() failures.
d3dx9/tests: Add some more ID3DXFont tests.
Vijay Kiran Kamuju (3):
include: Add missing defines to icm.h.
mscms: Add stub for WcsGetDefaultColorProfileSize.
mscms: Add stub for WcsGetDefaultRenderingIntent.
Vladimir Panteleev (1):
kernel32/tests: Fix GetLastError() checks in environment tests.
Zebediah Figura (79):
compobj: Manually define the IMalloc16 structure.
compobj: Get rid of _xmalloc16().
compobj: Store the IMalloc pointer as a SEGPTR.
compobj: Always set the IMalloc pointer in CoInitialize().
compobj: Reference the IMalloc pointer in CoInitialize().
compobj: Reference the returned IMalloc pointer in CoGetMalloc().
compobj: Implement reference counting for the standard allocator.
qedit: Use wide character string literals.
amstream: Use wide character string literals.
evr: Use wide character string literals.
shell32/tests: Fix some failures in test_contextmenu().
ddraw/tests: Fix some test failures.
quartz: Simplify FilterGraph2_AddFilter().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper3_CreateCategory().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper3_UnregisterFilter().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper3_RegisterFilter().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper_RegisterFilter().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper_RegisterPin().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper_RegisterPinType().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper_UnregisterFilter().
quartz: Simplify FilterMapper_UnregisterPin().
quartz: Use wide character string literals.
msctf/tests: Fix some test failures on Windows 10.
winegstreamer: Rename the "ppPins" element of struct gstdemux to "sources".
winegstreamer: Rename the "cStreams" element of struct gstdemux to "source_count".
winegstreamer: Fix pin enumeration order for the AVI and WAVE parsers.
quartz/tests: Add more tests for parser media types.
winegstreamer: Implement IPin::QueryAccept() for the WAVE parser source.
winegstreamer: Implement IPin::QueryAccept() for the AVI splitter source.
winegstreamer: Implement IPin::QueryAccept() for the MPEG splitter source.
winegstreamer: Split the implementation of source_get_media_type().
winegstreamer: Support converting color spaces within the splitter filter.
winegstreamer: Get rid of the YUV-to-(A)RGB converters.
wined3d: Introduce wined3d_device_apply_stateblock().
d3d9: Apply the device state before executing a draw call.
d3d9: Handle multisample depth resolve in d3d9_device_SetRenderState().
d3d9: Stop setting the device state in d3d9_device_SetRenderState().
d3d9: Stop setting the device state when setting the default ZENABLE state.
winegstreamer: Report MEDIASUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT for float types.
winegstreamer: Correctly represent non-32-bit float types.
winegstreamer: Append an audioconvert element to raw audio streams.
winegstreamer: Allow converting to 16-bit 2-channel PCM within the splitter filter.
winegstreamer: Get rid of the AudioConvert filter.
rpcrt4: Use a critical section for the context handle lock.
kernelbase: Implement ReOpenFile().
httpapi: Stub HttpSetRequestQueueProperty().
winegstreamer: Get rid of the mp3 decoder.
strmbase: Remove some no longer used callbacks.
strmbase: Merge enumpins.c into filter.c.
strmbase: Return S_FALSE from IEnumPins::Next() when the pin count changes.
strmbase: Move the IEnumMediaTypes implementation to pin.c.
d3d8: Apply the device state before executing a draw call.
d3d8: Handle multisample depth resolve in d3d8_device_SetRenderState().
d3d8: Stop setting the device state in d3d8_device_SetRenderState().
d3d8: Stop setting the device state when setting the default ZENABLE and POINTSIZE_MIN states.
quartz/filesource: Use a completion port to handle asynchronous requests.
quartz/filesource: Clean up FileAsyncReader_RequestAllocator().
quartz/filesource: Store the media type directly in the AsyncReader structure.
qcap/tests: Expand tests for smart tee aggregation.
quartz: Trace the requested properties in IMemAllocator::SetProperties().
ddraw: Update the primary stateblock in d3d_device1_SetMatrix().
ddraw: Update the primary stateblock in d3d_device3_SetTransform() and d3d_device3_MultiplyTransform().
ddraw: Update the primary stateblock in update_clip_space().
ddraw: Update the primary stateblock in d3d_device3_SetRenderState().
widl: Output a registry script for all interfaces written into the typelib.
include: Don't use the printf format attribute when compiling against msvcrt and not cross-compiling.
mapi32: Use the %I length modifier to print pointer-size integers.
strmbase: Fix printing negative values in debugstr_time().
quartz: Introduce a helper to trace reference time.
strmbase: Store the filter name and graph directly in the strmbase_filter structure.
strmbase: Rename the "pClock" member of struct strmbase_filter to "clock".
strmbase: Trace the filter name in IBaseFilter methods.
strmbase: Trace the pin and filter names in IPin and IMemInputPin methods.
ntdll/tests: Add more tests for printf format specifiers.
ntdll: Support the %I format modifier.
kernelbase: Use the %I length modifier to print pointer-size integers.
advapi32/tests: Clean up and expand tests for LsaLookupSids().
advapi32: Return the string SID if LookupAccountSid() fails.
Zhiyi Zhang (3):
rasenh/tests: Fix a test failure.
vulkan-1/tests: Fix some test failures.
msvcrt/tests: Fix some test failures.
Alexandre Julliard
[email protected]