Q: Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS

Michael Riedel mriedel at inova-semiconductors.de
Thu Oct 18 07:39:44 CDT 2001

Thank you all for your thoughts, it's a pleasure.

> I guess, the license isn't bind to a physical dongle on the parallel
> port. So one can conclude that the software tries to read the MAC.

For sure, the (my) license is based on the MAC address (flexLM supports 
different license approaches as you mentioned).

> NETBIOS.VXD.  I propose you run with --debugmsg +relay,+snoop,+vxd and try
> to decipher what is going on before that failing VXD call. In the easiest

Done. Please find the messages in the attachement. I shrinked the 7 MB 
file to those lines around the error message. But because I'm a 
Windows's internal newbie it'll take me some hours to understand the 
messages. But anyhow I'll investigate the messages later but also any 
help is very welcome.

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