SHLWAPI ole32 (delay-load of dlls)

Jon Griffiths jon_p_griffiths at
Fri Jul 12 17:11:36 CDT 2002

I should clarify. Versions 6 and higher (XP+) of SHLWAPI are linked via delayed import to ole32. This is a change from previous versions because versions 5xs and below could be installed on installations that didn't have ole32 installed. SHLWAPI used to come with IE, and as such it was an add on to v3.1+, where sometimes ole32.dll was not available. The latest versions require ole32, however if Wine is running as a previous version it should _not_ be a requirement that this dll be installed.
The situation is similar with other DLLs that used to be called through fn pointers fromm SHLWAPI and are now linked directly. Now that MS is dealing with one OS installation (read: you get everything), they no longer have to consider that an installation may not have some DLLs. In the Wine world though, it is not unreasonable for this to be the case (e.g no-window installation, pre-XP version etc). So I think calling through function pointers for these cases is the correct course of action. Its certainly more backwards compatable.
If we should directly link with ole32 then we should probably remove the FIXME from If we follow this path, we should eventually also link with the other DLLs that version 6 delay loads instead of being optional as before: apphelp, mlang, comctl32, mpr, msi, setupapi, userenv, winmm etc.


  Alexandre Julliard <julliard at> wrote: "Jürgen Schmied" writes:

> This is not completely right. shlwapi loads ole32 per delay-load what 
> means nearly its linking against it. We don't have anything similar at 
> the moment. I don't think we should do anyting by function pointers.
> Maybe we could generate stubs during the build process to implement
> delay loading. It don't looks to hard to implement.

It's already implemented, you just have to list them as DELAYIMPORTS
instead of IMPORTS in the makefile.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at

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 Don't you sit around and waste this chance..." - Live

jon_p_griffiths at

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