Re:OT: Buggy fonts

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Mon Mar 25 05:40:36 CST 2002

answer 1/ try to find the font that crashes and remove it
answer 2/ try to upgrade to a newer freetype library. resistance to bad
font files has been improved

> I'm afraid this is a little off-topic, but every time Wine starts, as it
> builds the font metrics, xfs-xtt (the font server) dies. I'm assuming
> there's a font (or few) in the system which it doesn't like, or which
> are corrupt.
> It makes wine rather annoying to use (and means that if I kill wine and
> restart the font server, it thinks the metrics are already done and
> ignores most of my fonts!)
> Does anyone know an easy way to find out which fonts they are?
> -- 
> Russell Howe
> rhowe at

Eric Pouech 
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