Sync (44): documentation/

Jon Griffiths jon_p_griffiths at
Thu Jul 17 14:57:15 CDT 2003


> Why do you keep $(SRCDIR) after pwd? man bash and man pwd both say
> nothing about giving pwd a path...

you're right, theres no need for it, it just gets swallowed by the
backticks so i didn't notice.

> What's really needed is either use our own db2html (but that was
> struck
> down already in the past), or test in configure the behaviour of
> the
> system's db2html and act accordingly.

All we need is the full path in the argument to -d, rather than the
relative path we get at the moment; I believe this will work with all
versions of db2html.

> Also, ideally there'd be only one standard for db2htmls...

Yup, sadly, its too late for that. I think this is a bug in earlier
db2htmls where it 'forgets' that it has decended into a directory to
make the html and should adjust any relative dir paths accordingly.
Later versions (correctly) fix the bug, so its more of a backwards
compatability issue than having to support a bunch of truly
incompatable versions, AFAICS.


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 Don't you sit around and waste this chance..." - Live

jon_p_griffiths at

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