Windows 2000 source code has been leaked

Tom twickline at
Fri Feb 13 03:05:37 CST 2004

juergen.schmied at wrote:

>Zitat von Jonathan Wilson <jonwil at>:
>>I heard news that windows 2000 source code was leaked and have seen what 
>>proports to be a filelist.
>>Dont know if its genuine but for everyones sake I suggest that all people 
>>here completly ignore it (same as I will be doing)
>It looks like its the real thing this time. 

Maybe it wasn't a leak but a ploy by Micrsoft.
Since there shared source was a flop, and SCO is about
to roll over.. This coul'd be a scam up there sleves...


>You advice is good but from what I
>hear (/.) it's allready spreading wide over 2p2 networks and I expect bits of
>knowledge comming from this code showing up on many places soon.
>What will you do if somebody posts bits of it as a answer of a question you asked?  

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