dinput.dll: mouse didn't work

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at free.fr
Sat Jul 24 15:50:25 CDT 2004

> And later when pressing a mouse button:
> trace:hook:HOOK_CallHooks calling hook in thread 0013 WH_MOUSE_LL code 0
> wp 200 lp 4071d074
> But then there is no other dinput message. Shouldn't there be a call of
> the mouse callback function?

There should, yeah.... But the way this works is that the event code is
sending a message (via the server) to the thread which registered the hook
via the DInput code. Now if that thread does not do any wait on any message,
the message will time-out and the event will be lost (I had this issue with
a game).

You could check by pressing a key to see if the keyboard low level hook is
actually called or not.

By the way, could I know which game exhibits this problem and if I could
download it to be able to debug on my box ?


PS: this is the kind of stuff that Bugzilla should be used for (and would
    even work as we have a knowledgeable bug reporter who knows what he is
    doing :-) )

		 Lionel Ulmer - http://www.bbrox.org/

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