WIDL: use __RPC_FAR attribute for pointers in proxies

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Tue Sep 21 00:26:56 CDT 2004

Mike McCormack <mike at codeweavers.com> writes:

> Yes, because it makes it easier to compare the output of midl and
> widl. Additionally, I hope that projects other than Wine can use widl
> too one day...

Frankly I can't think of any project that would need that. It's just
historical noise, far pointers have fortunately gone the way of the
dinosaur. I'd suggest doing a s/__RPC_FAR// on the midl output before
comparison and avoiding it in Wine. In fact we explicitly forbid use
of FAR in Wine, and __RPC_FAR should probably be treated the same

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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