Automatic ANSI<>Unicode message translation

Troy Rollo wine at
Wed Jul 27 03:41:57 CDT 2005

On Wednesday 27 July 2005 18:40, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
>> > I also disassembled
> > kernel32.dll to see how it populated CP_ACP (if I recall correctly it
> > populated it from a registry key under either HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG or
> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, so perhaps a change in the registry could cause the
> > same behaviour as a process calling SetCPGlobal, but threads within a
> > single process can never have a different CP_ACP).
> I don't believe it, especially since SetThreadLocale exists.

Then I suggest you test it yourself. I already have. SetThreadLocale affects 
other stuff, but not the code page. The code page is not part of the locale. 
You'd think it was, but it's not.

> > Even if it doesn't work on current Windows platforms I don't see
> > why Microsoft can't fix it and make it work in future versions.

You're assuming they consider it broken. Microsoft seem to think many things 
are perfectly OK that we consider broken.

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