Let's fix Steam!

Stefan Dösinger stefandoesinger at gmx.at
Tue Mar 8 09:43:54 CST 2005

> Steam has had a serious problem for quite some time, failing with a
> strange debug assertion error popup at the dreaded 27% mark.
It would be great if steam worked with wine. I did some testing some time ago, 
and Steam seemed to work except of this problem. I used cvscedega to work 
around the 27% Problem and after that I ran it with wine.

It worked quite fine, registration, game registration, game setup and game 
start. I had MSIE installed and had to use a few native dlls(cryptography 
dlls and IE friends) but it seemed to work fine with wine.

The next problem was not wine releated and is somewhat harder to fix. Steam 
turned out to be really download hungry. I just installed it and updated Half 
life and Steam had pushed 100 MB through my internet line. I've a download 
limit of 600 MB wich is really a small limit. One day I trashed my wine 
installation and didn't re-install steam afterwards.

If I find some way to download these things at school I can help you with 
fixing steam!

Stefan Dösinger

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