Wine Wiki Status

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Thu May 5 23:45:05 CDT 2005

A few things:

1. We've been attacked Wed by one or two idiots from
   Slashdot. They kept replacing the content of the 
   front page with some silly Balmer images :)
   Not a big deal, since MoinMoin makes it a snap to
   revert to an older version.
   However, this episode forced me to at least require
   that you sign up before you can edit a page. This
   is probably a good idea anyway, I hope people agree.

2. I've placed the modifications to the code on the
   Wine CVS repository at SourceForge in the 'wiki'
   module. Please feel free to check it out and send
   in patches (sending them to wine-patches at
   with a subject prefix of 'Wiki:' is fine, or
   directly to me if you prefer).

3. Mike is right, the namespacing stuff if not a good
   idea. I'll try to get rid of it, I'm going to try
   to rename the page, but first I have to enable the
   feature. If not, I'll just simply recreate them.

As always, you comments, suggestions and complaints
are most welcome. 


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