Revisiting exceptions

Boaz Harrosh boaz at
Mon May 9 05:00:38 CDT 2005

>"Jonathan Wilson" <jonwil at> wrote:
>>Why doesnt someone just implement the microsoft SEH keywords and extentions 
>>into GCC like it should be?
Do you have any knowledge of GCC, to be able to do it, or help me do it?

Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:

>Because it's patented by Borland?
Do you have any reference to the patent? It looks to me like it is easy 
to by-pass by using different key words and than the user can Just 
define them to the MS ones.

>Same with anything else microsoft that WINE or ReactOS needs (e.g. 
>_declspec(thread) support)
Most of them are implemented at least in MinGW. Or have parallels that can easily be #defined too.
There is some work to do in porting the MinGW-PE stuff also for GCC-ELF, mainly dllexport/dllimport

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