Wine 0.9.25 full of regressions!

Aaron Slunt tonglebeak at
Sun Nov 12 12:12:02 CST 2006

Mirek wrote:
> Hi, i just instaled wine 0.9.25 (i had 0.9.24) and it is full of 
> regressions, why is this possible, why is not there someone who can 
> test wine before it came out to new release?
> 1. 3DMark 2003 - cant open setigns menu
> 2. 3DMark 2003 - with GLSL, almost all working test are broken (bad 
> graphic)
> 3. 3DMark 2003 - with ARB is about 25% slower
> 4. HL2 Episode One - Some characters are black
> 5. NFS: MW - with ARB it is slower
> 6. W3 - cannot run, because of Opengl init
> 7. W3 FT - same as W3
> 8. nVidiaSDK - opengl demos in nVidia are not working anymore
> 9. nVidiaSDK - some Direct3D demos are broken more than in release 0.9.24
> 9. Prey - not working
> This is pretty big list, almost half of my apps are not working, or 
> working worst than before, it is sad.
> Mirek Slugen
Wine is still beta software, it has never been officially released, 
therefore you have to expect these sorts of things.

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