Peter Åstrand astrand at
Mon Nov 12 14:37:28 CST 2007

I have lot's of problems with WM_MOUSEACTIVATE messages in "Magna Cura". 
The effekt is that certain popup dialog doesn't work: After selecting 
something, say a date, the whole "form" is cleared. After much debugging, 
I've found out that WM_MOUSEACTIVATE is the problem. If I explicitly stop 
WM_MOUSEACTIVATE from propagating from dialogs to parents, then things 
works OK. I do this by addding:

	    return MA_ACTIVATE;

in DefDlgProc{A,W}. I wonder how many things that will brake with a change 
like this....

Just a long shot, but has anyone else seen anything similiar to this?

(It turns out that there are multiple differences compared to Windows; one 
with two many messages generated when the popup is created, another with 
too few messages when changing tab in a SysTabControl32 (but zero messages 
works fine as well.)

Peter Åstrand		ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB
Wallenbergs gata 4
583 30 Linköping	Phone: +46-13-21 46 00

ThinLinc User Group 2007 Höstkonferens --- 15-16 november, Linköping.
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