Visual C++ 5 works pretty well...

Dan Kegel dank at
Fri Nov 30 23:41:46 CST 2007

For fun, I installed Visual C++ 5 and built a few things with it.
Ran very nicely.

Filed two bugs: (VC++ 5 doesn't know who
registered it) (VC++ 5 hangs on exit)

It complained a bit if I didn't install MFC40.DLL before
building MFC apps.
Also, the dialog to add include directories acted strangely;
Tools / Options / Directories lets you insert a new directory,
and pretends to let you browse for it, but it acts very
oddly after navigating to the first folder; clicking on that
doesn't open the folder as expected, but rather just selects
that folder.  (Not sure if that's different on Windows, but it
sounds like a wine bug.)

Debugging, compiling simple floating point apps, editing all worked
smoothly.  Nice!
I don't know how stable it is on long use; all my sessions were short.
- Dan

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