Wine Gecko packaging

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Sun Oct 28 23:27:48 CDT 2007

"Jacek Caban" <jacek at> wrote:

> As you probably have noticed, downloading Gecko on first use confuses
> users. Now, with last week patches, there is an other way to do it,
> transparent for users. MSHTML code looks for cab file in $data_dir/gecko
> (that is usually /usr/share/wine/gecko). Alternatively, if you run Wine
> from build dir, it looks for $build_dir/../gecko. Wine checks it both in
> wineprefixcreate and, if Gecko is not installed, on first usage. It
> means that if you download from SourceForge and put
> it in the right place, you will no longer have to care about installing
> Gecko. still points to an old Gecko package
(0.0.1). Please update it.


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