wininet: Make sure URL is terminated in InternetCrackUrlA.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Tue Jun 10 13:17:20 CDT 2008

Francois Gouget <fgouget at> writes:

> Why not? It's a bug fix and four places to fix sounds quite reasonable 
> (>100 may not be). Maybe it's just me but I didn't feel like 1.0 would 
> entail a deep deep freeze period where only critical/security bugs would 
> be fixed.

At this point the freeze is pretty strict, since the plan is to release
next week.

> Also I don't feel that the current state of Wine (or of the future Wine 
> 1.0) is such a marvel of perfection that it justifies a deep freeze to 
> make sure it's not going to get a tiny little scratch here or there.

Tiny scratches are not a problem, the problem is that in many cases you
can't really know if a patch is going to cause only a tiny scratch or a
major failure; the only way to know is to put it in and wait for the
users' screams, and that's not a risk we want to take at this point.

So patches that are not obviously safe will have to wait; that sort of
fix is certainly a candidate for inclusion in 1.0.1, once it has cooked
for a bit in the post-1.0 devel branch.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at

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