Re[3] [user32: 2/2] Testcase for font size = 0x7fff

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Sat Oct 11 22:18:02 CDT 2008

"Koro" <webmaster at> wrote:

> As for the broken() and ok() I must admit it was my first test case, so 
> I tried to look at the other functions and do the same, I may have been 
> totally wrong. If you could enlighten me on proper broken/ok use, i'd be 
> happy.

ok() is for calls never expected to fail, broken() is for broken API
implementations and should never be used for Wine.

>> Then you need to test the resulting font attributes to see if they
>> match the message box font. I'd suggest to make sure that the test
>> gets committed first, and only then try to make it pass.
> I shall do that then (after this one gets commited, as per your suggestion).

This one will not be committed, since it doesn't test anything useful.

>> Also, is there a real world application that uses that undocumented
>> feature?
> I wrote one this summer (

What's the source of info you have used for that?

> In 
> fact, this is what made me find that bug in WINE pretty quick. Since it 
> emulates functionality akin to a message box, it's only logical that it 
> uses the message box font.

Then I'd say there is nothing to fix in Wine, go ahead and fix your app


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