search path redux - if office 2007 always uses a private riched20, why does wine interpose its own global one?

Dan Kegel dank at
Sat Oct 17 11:43:44 CDT 2009

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Alexandre Julliard <julliard at> wrote:
>> I think if we get a loadlibrary on an explicit private path, we should load
>> that dll natively, even if we have a builtin dll of the same name.
> No, you don't want that. There are cases of apps shipping with their own
> copy of system dlls, and using native in that case is wrong. It's only
> for apps having a non-standard version of a system dll that we may want
> to use native. In general we should always err on the side of using
> builtin.

OK, so even on an absolute path, we need to do a version
check, and only use the bundled copy if it's newer
than builtin?  (That's what I thought you meant earlier.)

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