Glitch-free iTunes?

Frédéric Delanoy frederic.delanoy at
Mon Jul 4 02:48:17 CDT 2011

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 04:44, Keith Curtis <keithcu at> wrote:
> <...>
> In general, people can work where they want, but it is better if some work
> is prioritized.

Well indeed volunteers work where they want, but also on the parts
they're good at (not everybody is interested, and if they're are, they
can lack the expertise in that domain).
If you try to force contributors to work on something they don't like
(or refuse work on sthg else), they generally won't agree, and
probably even stop contributing altogether.
Now it's probably different for codeweavers employees, and I'm sure
they have priorities, but they don't necessarily match yours.

> You don't need to use the buglist for this. When Linus finds
> a bug he needs fixed before he can make a release, he posts to the LKML and
> all the developers read it and the relevant ones respond. Typically he
> reverts, but sometimes he requests help, and he gets it within hours. He
> doesn't wait for someone to check in code that works.

This isn't about a random bug. IIRC you were basically talking about
adding USB support which, as Damjan pointed out, needs a lot of work
to be complete.

> <...>
> Regards,
> -Keith

Just my 2 ¢


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