USB Support

Steve Kenton skenton at
Wed Apr 29 06:57:38 CDT 2015

On 4/29/2015 4:27 AM, Joel Holdsworth wrote:
>> I got into this because I'm writing firmware for a custom USB device
>> to use in an embedded Linux system and the vendor tools are only
>> available for Windows. Sigh. And of course Wine handles everything
>> fine *except* the USB snooping. I've spent my entire professional
>> life working the in Unix workstation & HPC world staring with PDP-11 and
>> later VAX "boot me" tapes from Bell Labs / Western Electric. I think
>> the last time I had to write a Windows GUI app was when the original
>> Windows 95 was released :-( So I'm woefully out of date on Windows.
> I probably shouldn't tell you this because I *really* want USB support 
> in Wine, but you can currently do this currently using a VM. Run your 
> application in a Windows in VirtualBox, then you can use Linux's 
> usbmon to sniff the traffic.
> To do the capture I usually start off with wireshark, and then use 
> this command line tool that I maintain:
> With a command line packet trace, you can then do greps, diffs, vidiff 
> etc. to reverse engineer the protocol.
> Kind Regards
> Joel
Thanks for the tip. I picked up a used usb protocol analyzer for a good 
price to diagnose the immediate problem (lots of NAKs at an unexpected 
time) but I'd still like to pursue getting USB support into wine and not 
have to depend on a Windows box (or VM) for any part of the project.


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